Les vacances comme moyen de rétention

Les vacances comme moyen de rétention

Accorder davantage de jours de vacances à ses employés permet de réduire considérablement le nombre de départs volontaires, selon une étude menée par trois professeurs montréalais. L’impact de ces privilèges sur le roulement est similaire, voire plus important que...
5 ways employees now think differently about the workplace

5 ways employees now think differently about the workplace

Workforce expectations have shifted significantly in the last year amid a surge in remote working. The office is no longer a place to sit at a desk trying to block out the background noise to hit that crucial 4pm deadline. The pandemic has shown office workers there’s...
The future of work: Coming sooner than you think

The future of work: Coming sooner than you think

What will your worklife be like years from now? Today’s work-from-home world has given us a glimpse of the future, as these five articles from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World illustrate. Prior the pandemic, you could ask a dozen people what...
How finding a job will be different in 2021

How finding a job will be different in 2021

2021 may bring some normalcy back to the workplace, but some changes are going to stick. Here’s what you need to know. Whether you’ve been unemployed and looking for a job through the pandemic or are planning to leave your current role in 2021, it’s no secret that...
How COVID-19 Created The Future Of Work

How COVID-19 Created The Future Of Work

The pandemic has forced companies to work differently. Here are 5 ways leaders can extend those innovations to create a new work paradigm.   In mid-March 2020, my house suddenly transformed into Grand Central Station....